Do you have papayas regularly? (Source: Pexels)

Most of us love to eat seasonal and fresh fruits. Whether watermelon or banana or papaya, experts suggest that they help with a host of health issues and make our immunity strong. As such, when we came across a post suggesting that the good old papaya can help lose weight and up to two kilos in a week, we were left wondering. So, we decided to reach out to experts.

Take a look at the post.

A page called Indian_veg_diet shared, "Papaya is excellent for weight loss because of its low calorie count. Because the fruit is also a good source of fiber, papaya isn't only physically satisfying — it'll also help you stay full longer. As a result, you may end up consuming fewer calories throughout the day."

In the post, it was also mentioned that if one includes papaya in one's diet, one can lose up to two kilos in a week.

Suvidhi Jain, lifestyle, exercise and nutrition coach and founder - LEAN by Suvidhi said that papaya is a highly beneficial fruit for those aiming to lose weight due to its low-calorie content of just 32 calories per 100 gm. "In addition to being low in calories, it is packed with essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, C, and E. Including papaya in your diet can help you feel satisfied with fewer calories," said Jain.

Does papaya help with weight loss? (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

However, Jain elaborated that it is crucial to understand that weight management is not solely determined by a single food item. "To achieve a healthy weight, the focus should be on maintaining a balanced diet that includes the right proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. While fruits provide a wide array of nutrients, it is essential to monitor their quantities as part of overall calorie intake," Jain told

Also Read | With just 30-60 calories, this Indian superfood is the ‘best weight-loss fruit’ to munch on

What else to keep in mind?

It's important to note that while fruits offer numerous health benefits, they do contain natural sugars. "Therefore, it is advisable not to consume excessive amounts of fruits. Instead, they should be incorporated as part of a healthy and balanced diet," Jain said.

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